TIP OF THE WEEK: Drying Mama Cloth in small spaces (CLOTH DRYING STRAPS & SPECIAL OFFER)

Hey Mama's! I hope everyone is having a wonderful week! If you are in Ontario like I am you are likely soaking up some sun and mild temperatures! You may even be drying your Cloth Diapers & Mama Cloth outdoors :)

This week I was excited to introduce another new product to my Mama Cloth Boutique! Cloth Pad Drying Straps!  This has been long overdue. I am so excited to finally be offering this simple and easy to use product. 

These handy straps currently come in 3 colour/print options: Leopard-Pink Snaps, Leopard-Lavender Snaps, Chevron- Green Snaps. I have plans to make them in a few more fun prints this spring as well (or sooner if they sell quickly). Like cloth pads and cloth diapers I think it's expected we keep things fun and "pretty" isn't it??? 

Cloth pad drying straps are a great option for people with limited space. Even if you have a large laundry room it's nice to keep your pads all together in a simple way. Drying racks can be a pain to set up and take up a large amount of space. I personally dislike using my drying rack. We have the space in our new home but it's extremely bulky and I dislike adding a million clothes pegs just to dry my pads. To use these handy little straps all you have to do is snap a bunch of pads together at the wings and snap one end of the outer pads on the strap. You then take your row of pads and find a spot to hang it. I often hang mine on my shower curtain rod in the bathroom or outside on my deck in the summer. Try and find somewhere with good air flow so that the inserts of your pad dry quickly.  If you have limited air flow in a room where you want to dry your pads I often set up a small fan just to speed up the process. If the air is still it is very difficult for the insert layer to dry. Many of the inserts in my pads are made from Organic Hemp Cotton Fleece which is SUPER absorbent (about 3-4x more absorbent than cotton) but it also takes a bit longer to dry than a cotton insert.  I personally tumble dry all my pads, but I still find the inserts can be a bit damp when I take them out of the dryer. When that happens I take the pads out of the dryer and hang them for an hour or two just to make sure all dampness is out of them before storing them away until Aunt Flo returns again. It's important to store pads completely dry to avoid damage to your pads or mold build up. Never store pads that are damp!

Cloth Pad Drying Straps are only $4.00 CDN each and for this week (until February 5th 2016) they ship within Canada FREE. Get yours today and take advantage of this introductory special! GO HERE!

 As you know I post most of my new product, sales, and giveaways on my Facebook Mama Cloth Page! We are quickly approaching 1800 likes which means another GIVEAWAY! Be sure to follow me on Facebook to enter! I post a new giveaway every 100 likes (and sometimes sooner just to keep it fun). See my list of socials below and don't forget to follow!

 I hope you all have a wonderful week and enjoy the mild temperatures :) I hope these weekly tips are helping you all :) Please feel free to leave comments below with suggestions for future posts or leave any questions/comments you have.

Have a great week :)

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Meg JeddoreComment